Saturday, July 18, 2015

Summer Clothes- Maxi Dresses

Summer is usually hot. Like, 'can I just walk around in my swimsuit all day?' hot. Of course, this makes it harder to stay modest.

One of my staples for summer is maxi dresses. I LOVE them. I may or may not own 7 or more. :)
They are cute, comfy, and don't get super hot like pants. (plus they double as swim cover-ups) The only thing is that most maxi dresses don't have sleeves. Downeast to the rescue! Throw a shade shirt under, and your maxi dress is modest. (Another option is to wear a sweater over it, but that could get hot in the summer. You choose.)

The day I wore this was rainy, so I opted to go with the jacket.

The other nice thing about maxi dresses is that they can be dressed up or down. For example, the above pictures is what I wore to church one day. You can dress it down by wearing a simple shade shirt under it. I get most of mine from TJMaxx so it may be hard to find these exact ones because they aren't "mainstream." I mentioned how a lot of maxi dresses don't have sleeves, but not all of them are that way. This is one of mine that does.

I also recently got this maxi dress from Down East. (This isn't me wearing it)

LittleMissFearless_DownEast Grey Easy Going Maxi Dress 6

I love it! Maxi dresses are the perfect way to wear summer and they are easy to find.

Loving Modesty,

Monday, June 15, 2015


So, we all know what modesty means, right? And we've all heard the saying, 'Modest is Hottest'. (Which is true in many different ways.)

But, let's face it, modesty can be a pain. It's not that we don't want to be modest, but it can be a challenge. Especially in the summer. No bikinis, booty shorts, or tank tops over here! But, then, what are we supposed to wear?! I think that most girls think of modesty as restrictive. In reality, it makes our lives much easier and better. And, let me tell you a secret. You know all those cute boys in your ward? They like modesty too! It helps them have clean thoughts and, to them, you are way more attractive when you dress modestly. (Just sayin'!)

But here's where lots of people make a mistake- don't do the things you do for other people. Do them for you! You have no one to please besides Heavenly Father. You should dress modestly because you respect God and yourself, not because your parents tell you to or because it's what your friends think you should do. On this blog I will share outfits I wear, accessories, and other things I've found that make modesty easy and fun. I hope that I can help other girls going through the same things I am understand modesty and it's purpose.

Loving Modesty!